Call Now: 770-434-4000
Milledgeville, GA was once the capitol of the state, but it is now a quaint town right in the heart of of the American South’s empire state. Milledgeville is home to a state university and a small town atmosphere. This atmosphere provides you with a lovely place to maximize property values and raise your children. However, you still need homeowners insurance to protect your home and family. The policy you create with Waggoner Insurance will give your family custom protection that meets your every need.
Local Agents
Local agents are there to represent Waggoner Insurance on your behalf. Your local agent will help you create your policy, service your policy and be your point of contact in the community. Your local agent will do everything from create your policy to take your payments.
Making claims on your policy is easy. You contact Waggoner by phone, or you call on your local agent. The claims process is handled by a certified professional who knows how to manage your policy. The customer service agent reads over your policy and helps determine the level of coverage you have.
The claims professional will send an adjuster to your location, and you will be given a check for payment on your policy. This payment is intended to pay for repairs and replacement of property. You may ask questions of the adjuster, show them around your property and request special assistance with the policy.
Once your home is repaired, you may work with your local agent on any other matters related to your policy. You move to Milledgeville to be comfortable, and Waggoner provides the comfort you were looking for.