Auto Insurance in Stockbridge, Georgia

Call Now: 770-434-4000

When you are searching for auto insurance in Stockbridge, GA, you’ll want to discover a rate that fits your budget and financial requirements. Did you know that there are many other factors to consider that will help you save money on your premium? Providers will determine your rate based on your driving record, credit score, miles driven per week and accidents that you have been in.

Driving fewer miles, moving to a location that is more rural or lowering your liability coverage limits will all have a positive effect on influencing the rate that you pay. However, you may want to consider the high cost of medical and property damage bills when choosing your amount of liability coverage.

Major accidents can create very high costs. The money that you save on your insurance rate can be immediately threatened if a major accident does happen when you are behind the wheel. In Georgia, the minimum amount of bodily injury liability for one person in an accident is $25,000. For all persons injured in one accident, a minimum of $50,000 liability coverage is required, and for one accident, a minimum of $25,000 property damage liability is the state requirement. If you are carrying a considerable amount of assets, you may want to pump up the numbers that you pay for liability coverage.

To offset your rate, a safe driving course may help. Also, consider driving an automobile that has a reputation of being safe. Auto insurance companies will take the vehicle model and make into consideration when evaluating your rate. If you take some of these aspects into consideration when applying for coverage, you should end up with a rate that is suitable for your budget.

Call Waggoner Insurance today at (770)-434-4000